Season Getaway - FlightsChannel Travel Blog

To Europe or Asia for your spring break

Whether you enjoy winter or not, you will definitely enjoy its end which comes in the form of spring. This is the time when trees and plants come to life, which you can see in the form of blossoming flowers. The temperatures will keep getting higher till the start of the summer, so the chill will be going away slowly and the weather will be getting warmer as the days go on. So, some of you will be planning to travel for a holiday this season, if you don’t enjoy either winter or summer. Most of you will enjoy the fresh air and greenery, so open areas will certainly be somewhere you will want to go to. Here we suggest some destinations worldwide that will certainly interest you.

Read More 12 Feb 2025

The hidden treasure in the neighborhood in winters

If you are an American looking for an icy winter break, you will have plenty of plenty of destinations to consider and you can choose according to what you wish to do or what you wish to spend. Canada, the northern neighbor has comparatively lower temperatures throughout the year and you will not need a visa to get there, so you can come when you wish to. As for coming here if you live close to the border crossings, like Detroit, you can just ride and crossover, though if you live further away, flights to Canada will always be an interesting option. The holidays here will be cheaper than winter holidays in Europe, for instance, the cost of air tickets will be much lower. The proximity of Canada to Greenland is an indicator of what kind of snow cover you will get to deal with.

Read More 11 Feb 2025

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Experience the Warmth and Joys of Jamaica in Winter

You will have heard of summer holidays that bring people to the beaches, but there are parts of the Americas in the center and south where you can enjoy warmth at beaches when it's winter for most of North America. These are not few but many, so there is fierce competition to attract tourists from the wealthier nations and Jamaica is one of them. It is one of the largest islands in the Caribbean Sea, so there is more for the visitors here than just the beaches. Most of the population here are direct descendants of the people brought here as slaves to work in the plantations, but those days are long gone and the culture of the locals here has evolved, so expect to experience the hospitality of the Jamaican kind. Everyone you come across will be able to speak in English, but in an accent, you may not be too familiar with.

Read More 03 Dec 2024

The different ways to enjoy Christmas on different continents

The world has 195 countries and over 10,000 religions, but one day that the whole world celebrates irrespective of their religious beliefs is Christmas. Over 30 percent of the world follows Christianity and Christian nations, particularly the Western nations have changed the culture of the world including the lifestyle. Though associated with winter at the end of the year, this day is celebrated in style in the parts of the world that will be experiencing warm climates on 25th December like Australasia. While in Europe the Europeans will be celebrating the traditional way, in North America you will find some new rituals added to the celebrations. Though the Middle East is strict about its religion, you will find the resort cities with decorations at a scale larger than many other destinations.

Read More 22 Nov 2024

Warm up at winter vacation destinations in the Middle East

The way people react to winters varies greatly according to what part of the world they live in and how they react to the low temperatures. The season comes with its festive dates, offering you some time off to travel if you so desire. There will be some who will want to relax when they get some time in the season while others will be getting everything ready for the destination they wish to visit. Those who enjoy the cold weather will be going to the North in the USA and further North to Canada, unless they have international destinations in Europe in mind. And those who don’t will be looking forward to seasonal flights to the south of the North American continent. As for those searching for suitable destinations in other parts of the world, there is the Middle East where most tourists come in this season when the temperatures are not too high.

Read More 06 Nov 2024

Explore New England’s Best Fall Regions | Autumn Adventures

Fall is not exactly the peak season for holidaymakers across the USA, but those who prefer this season for breaks will have either been to New England or heard of what this part of the country has to offer. Unlike other tourist resorts across the nation, which will have very few visitors in the fall, the number of visitors to this territory in the Northeast of the USA reaches a great height, making it the peak season here. The main reason for this is the glorious views of nature with leaves changing colors before falling and the fresh wind that will send you to heaven. To make your stay and tours comfortable, there is a large tourist industry here that can arrange anything for you.

Read More 23 Oct 2024

Destinations and festivals for wine lovers this fall

Wines are part of everyday life in Western nations, though where the viticulture started is still debatable. Though Georgia is credited with starting it all, wine was produced in ancient China and the Middle East too. The technology related to wine production was taken by Europeans to the New World countries of the Americas and Australasia. While in most European nations you will be allowed to drink this alcoholic drink if you are above 18 years of age, in some countries like Germany teenagers are allowed this drink in the presence of their parents. Though it doesn’t have as much alcohol as hard drinks like whiskey and rum, it is more alcoholic than beer.

Read More 21 Oct 2024

Wander in Winter: Maximize Your Enjoyment of the Cold Season

Every season comes with opportunities for different types of activities and those living in the Western world, who face harsh winters every year will have some activities planned for the season. If you are a teenager or a young professional, you will be interested in winter sports like skiing or ice skating. If you are an elderly couple you may be looking to rent a cabin in the mountains to enjoy each other’s company. If you enjoy crowds you will be looking forward to shopping in the festive days with markets decorated to maximize your spending experience or join others at the winter festival in the cities of your choice.

Read More 16 Oct 2024

Escape to Egypt for History, culture, and adventure

Egypt is to Europeans what the Caribbean is to Americans in the winter. A large number of European tourists come to this country and to destinations in the neighboring countries like Tunisia which are traditional hosts for those coming from the northern continent to escape the cold climate in their part of the world. In recent years the interest of American tourists has increased in the destinations here and the reason for this is all the activities on offer along with the opportunity to get a feel of the Arabic culture. The summers are too hot for anything for Westerners and though it does rain in winter, it is too little to bother anyone.

Read More 03 Oct 2024

The best ways to enjoy your fall days

Summers are fun for some, with holidays and boring for others who don’t enjoy the heat. These are followed by fall, as autumn is called in the USA with lowering temperatures and cooler winds. If you haven’t had a holiday yet due to lack of time or lack of the right amount for a break, fall will have all the solutions for you. With the summer crowds gone, the beaches will be empty allowing you a more private experience, and at some destinations, like those in the south of Europe, the waters will be warm enough to invite you for a swim.

Read More 25 Sep 2024

Shoulder Season destinations to enjoy budget holidays without hassles

You would have heard of the peak season or the off-season for holiday destinations, but there are other seasons the shoulder seasons which come twice a year between these seasons. If you have missed your summer holidays due to any reason, you can consider the end of the summer for your holidays. There are destinations worldwide that will have the right temperatures at the beaches. The plus point is that there will be fewer crowds, so you will have greater privacy and the rates of everything will be comparatively lower with fewer people requiring them. For instance, you will be among the few people looking for cabs, making sure you get a ride easily.

Read More 09 Sep 2024

The Seasonal flights and the convenience they bring to travelers

The patterns of passengers booking flights varies from one month to another, usually depending on the seasons these months fall in. The airlines know that there will some months when the passengers will want flights to certain destinations while in other months they will have difficulties in having all of their seats booked. So, they study all the data they have to figure out how to maximize their profits by offering the right flights i.e. the right routes and the right destinations. This will also make passengers happy as they will be able to fly to the destinations of their choice. The will also be greater choices for passengers in terms of the origin airport, i.e. the airports where they can catch their flights from.

Read More 26 Aug 2024

An Unforgettable Summer Getaway Ocean Adventure in Tenerife

If you ask anyone what they would like to do in their summer holidays, they will always say that they would like to head out to the beaches. And if you ask them what part of the world they would like to visit in summer, they will say Spain or Greece. Tenerife will also be in the minds of some of them, having heard about it from those they know or having seen programs on television about it. If you ask travel agents for more details, you will be told that it is the largest island in the archipelago of the Canary Islands, a Spanish territory surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. It is closer to Morocco than it is to Spain, so you can expect influences of diverse cultures. This island has a few small towns, each with different types of sights to admire.

Read More 27 Mar 2024

Plan a Family Getaway to Cancun this Summer and Enjoy the Coastal Frolic

Summer is a season that most people in the Western world look forward to. These are not as long as the winters in most of the American states, particularly those in the north. There are numerous destinations that you can travel in this season including domestic ones and international ones. Among these, the name Cancun is discussed often by travel advisors with people planning to go on a trip to Mexico. It is suitable not just for young travelers but for families too, with activities suitable for them. The beaches here are the main attractions, but there is quite a bit to see in the interiors too.

Read More 08 Feb 2024

Tourist Destinations in Switzerland to Make the Most of Spring Season

Switzerland is a prime destination for most tourists irrespective of the season. You can come here in the summer to enjoy the scenery or in the winter to indulge in all kinds of snow activities. So, what about a spring break in this country? This season starts in March end and ends in mid-June, in this part of Europe. As you would expect all trees and plants will welcome you smiling along with the grass. This is not a peak season by any means, so you will be able to get flights and accommodation for less. This will be the ideal time for you if you don’t prefer large crowds when you are on vacation.

Read More 18 Jan 2024

Top Winter Getaways in Latin America and Caribbean that You Cannot Ignore

Winter is usually not regarded as a peak season for tourism from any angle. Most people take their annual holidays in summer, particularly families with children as this is the time for their summer breaks which last over a month. You may get a break of a week around the year end, when the temperatures are near or below the freezing point for most of the USA. A large number of people will prefer to celebrate these at home, burning the logs and having family dinners. Though there are others who will go for holidays in these months and they will always have 2 options. Either you can go to a destination where you will get to play with snow or to get away from it all to a sunny one.

Read More 03 Jan 2024

5 Things to Know about Planning for a Getaway to Europe

Most people will consider domestic destinations when they are planning their holidays, whether in summer or winter. The reason for this is that they don’t just feel safer but they are comfortable with people who speak the same language as themselves. It is commonly believed that Americans know more about their country than other parts of the world, if true, their chances of traveling abroad are very low. Still, quite a few Americans travel to other nations in their continent and close by for seasonal getaways. There are winter getaways in the Caribbean and Mexico, to escape the chill in your city. However, some of you may have some interest in European destinations for various reasons and mostly you will go there in your summer holidays unless you want to celebrate your Christmas or New Year holidays there.

Read More 07 Dec 2023

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