
Destinations with the Most Eco-Friendly Accommodations in the World

10 Sep 2024

Environment has been a major issue in our lives with changing weather patterns and rising sea levels. If things keep going the way do, the world will become an uninhabitable planet. This may not happen tomorrow but the threat is clear for all of us to see. So, most travelers are looking forward to eco-flights and eco-accommodations, to do their bit for the environment. The businesses are conscious of all this too and most hotels are doing all they can to impress their customers. The hotels, large and small are using processes to minimize waste and reuse what they can.

Finding green accommodations

green accommodations

There are eco-friendly accommodations popping up across the world, even more in developing countries with architectural techniques that build hotels using eco-friendly methods and materials. They do not rely on the usual sources of energy but are using solar panels. They harvest rainwater and use water only when it is needed and offer similar advice to their guests. Those with restaurants are preparing food that will not get wasted and prepared with minimal use of fossil fuels. They are also connected with the local communities and together they produce everything they need not just locally but with the minimum carbon footprint. Below we list for you countries that are leading the way with eco-accommodations.

Norway, leading the way in Scandinavia


In some countries, you may have difficulties finding accommodations that are managed with eco-friendly methods but not with Norway which is known to be going all the way in protecting the environment as they want to breathe fresh air and protect their coastal cities. You may think that the old hotels are not green enough for you and you should look for the newer ones, but here even the older hotels are doing what they can by using the best practices. Here in remote and rural areas, you will find bed and breakfasts that are constructed with the local wood and the loggers make sure that they plant a tree for every tree they chop. To make it easy for you to choose the right accommodations, there are some labeled green by the local authorities. For affordable travel options, check out cheap flights to Norway to plan your eco-friendly trip.

Costa Rica, where going green is the tradition

Costa Rica

This destination in Central America is known for offering green holidays and this includes the accommodations. The authorities here were early in identifying environmental issues and there are large national parks where no eco-unfriendly activity can take place. They are not just protecting the trees but the animal life too according to their principles of living a Pure Life. Going green doesn’t mean that you have to let go of the comforts that you are used to, but making sure that you enjoy the same level of service with minimal impact on the environment. In Costa Rica, whether you are in a major city or in a remote area in a forest, you will find accommodations that look after Mother Nature. For affordable travel options, check out cheap flights to Costa Rica to plan your eco-conscious trip.

Bhutan, where greenery is the policy


You may not have heard much about this destination, but it is one of the greenest nations in the world, not just in terms of the forest cover but in terms of laws that make sure that the natural environment is not harmed in any way. The citizens of this kingdom believe in a holistic approach to life. Once you come Bhutan, you will notice that the locals minimize wasting anything and that the accommodations you stay in use paper instead of plastic, that too as little as they can. You will find that conserving the surroundings is a priority for most here. The items you will be served will be the produce of the local farmers, which minimizes the need for transporting anything, reducing fuel emissions. For affordable travel options, check out cheap flights to Bhutan to plan your eco-friendly journey.

New Zealand, passionate about life and land

New Zealand

This is one of the newer Western countries in the world and the people who came here brought their way of life to these lands. They have adapted to the new world and everyone here believes in living the good life. New Zealand is known for its agricultural production and here you will find boutique accommodations that are offered for stays as part of the green holiday packages. There are people who want to live in harmony with nature and have used the latest green know-how to keep their accommodations in the right conditions. The new hoteliers are also relying on replenish able sources for the building materials. There will be farms attached to these accommodations that will be the source of everything that you are served at your table. For affordable travel options, check out cheap flights to New Zealand to plan your eco-friendly vacation.

Singapore, where everything is pure


When you think of Singapore you think of tall buildings and one of the most impressive skylines in the world. What will surprise you when you get here is how green the surroundings are. This is one of the most modern parts of the world where the citizens don’t need laws to make them care about the environment. Most accommodations will have a garden with more than a few trees planted in them. Some of the hotels have the latest architecture including those with underwater rooms, but the methods used to construct them and the way the guests are served are totally environment friendly. This country believes in staying ahead of others in terms of technology and the same goes for the hoteliers too. To explore this green marvel firsthand, check out cheap flights to Singapore for affordable travel options.


Every hotel and business offering accommodations does not want to cut out on what they offer to their guests but they want to cut out on anything that harms the environment. Whether it is using the right kind of LED bulbs or offering drinking water connections to every room, to minimize the use of plastic bottles, they are looking at everything big and small to do what they can to offer a green vacation to their guests. They also offer items for sale that will help the local community. They are also working with businesses that have the same ideas about the environment as them.

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