
Discover Exciting Volunteer Adventure Destinations: Where Fun Meets Purpose

13 Aug 2024

The world is full of people who need assistance and there is no shortage of those who will be volunteering to help them. The developing nations can do with all the help they can get, particularly in training their population in new languages and methods, protecting the environment, and guarding their wildlife. There are quite a few organizations in the Western nations that have many programs for helping those who need and they welcome volunteers who are well-qualified, guiding them all the way to the destination and back. Even some developed nations need assistance with social care and managing their youth.

The world needs you

In most cases, you will have to pay for flights and there will be a small charge for accommodation and meals, usually very affordable. You will not be earning anything apart from gaining valuable experience to enhance your career. Usually, people of all age groups are welcome. You will have your free time after you have done your duties of the day and at the weekend. You can use this free time to explore the territory around you or go on breaks to the points of interest for the tourists in the region you are in. You can choose the length of the period you would like to spend volunteering, which can be from a week to a few months. Here we suggest some destinations that are known to welcome volunteers with smiles.

Volunteering in Costa Rica

Volunteering in Costa Rica

This Central American nation is between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, known for its rainforests. If you choose to volunteer here, you should start by learning about the weather around the months you will be here. Most people here speak Spanish, so a little knowledge of this language will help you a long way. If you are a farming expert you can teach the locals about organic farming. If you are a conservationist, you can help in protection of endangered species. You will be an environment-friendly person and you can teach the locals about the benefits of protecting the green cover and making them aware of the dangers of deforestation. There will be people here who will want to migrate to the wealthier North American nations, so you can teach them the English language, so they can make a good life for themselves there.

Volunteers are welcome in Tanzania

Volunteers are welcome in Tanzania

This East African nation has a large coast along the Indian Ocean and has the largest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro. Before you start dreaming of a safari in the various large national parks here, you should also think of the locals, some of them living in not-so-well-to-do conditions. They need teachers, doctors, and engineers. If you are a medical student, you can come here on your holidays to test what you have learned, this will not just give you something to mention on your resume but earn you the goodwill of the locals. You can even pass your knowledge of various subjects to them, which will help them improve their lifestyle.

Ready to volunteer in Colombia!

Ready to volunteer in Colombia!

Colombia has a negative image in the world due to the drug trade and political instability. However, it has large territories that will capture the imagination of any adventure seeker. So, after you are done teaching something new and useful to the young ones of a village, you can go on a hiking trip in the jungles or go trekking in the mountains. There will be people who will want to know about life in your country and in return they will tell you something about their own. As for food, you will have to forget the comforts of your home and learn to do with what the locals eat. If you have lived a sheltered life up till now, a trip here will open you up to the outside world.

Thailand needs volunteers

Thailand needs volunteers

When you think of Thailand you think of the bustling streets of Bangkok and elephants bathing in large rivers. It also has rural areas where the young ones will be bored with their courses and will need some inspiration from you. You can get to live in a village dwelling and you will get to understand the way of life near the farms. You can even get as close as possible to the elephants as possible by feeding them and taking care of the not-so-well ones. There are orphanages where the young ones will learn that there is a caring world out there. You may get to live with a family in an urban setting here and you can learn about the local cuisine to impress your friends when you get back.

Volunteering opportunities in South Africa

Volunteering opportunities in South Africa

The Rainbow Nation has a lot to offer to the visitors and apart from its natural beauty, there are locals to mingle with. This is a country of 2 halves, on one end there are the well-to-do areas and on the other, there are people living in less than adequate accommodations. If you are an expert surfer you can teach the youth here something that they will enjoy. Most people here can speak English, so you can mix with the locals easily. If you want to spend more than a few days in the jungles here, you can work with the conservationists, if you are comfortable getting close to large carnivorous animals.

Volunteers for Greece

Volunteers for Greece

Greece is a developed nation, but such nations too have their issues in terms of social, cultural, and political troubles. Like most European nations, refugees prefer to come here for a better life and they need an introduction to the new culture that they will have to live with. You can teach them about what is polite and what is not. You can also help them recover from the horrors that they have faced, by listening to their stories and telling them of the opportunities they will get. If you are a history buff, there are archaeological sites that need your attention for digging and preservation.

Final thoughts

If you have some time on your hands and you want to spend it exploring the territory of your choice, your way, try enrolling in volunteering programs serving this territory. These will not be short advertisements that most holidays are but a complete program that will allow you a deeper understanding of life in these countries. You will be having an enjoyable time while being useful to people who will remember you for the rest of their lives.

By FlightsChannel Team
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