Have Fun and Learn on School Holidays in the USA
29 Apr 2024
Everybody needs a break from whatever they are involved with and educational institutions around the world offer their students some breaks throughout the year. In the USA the schools will offer summer breaks of a couple or more months and winter breaks around Christmas of a couple of weeks. Most schools in addition have holidays on most national days like President's Day and religious days like Good Friday. So, if you count the days the students study for half the year and the rest of the days, including weekends they will be over a break. The way most students choose to spend their breaks often depends on their age group. While some will prefer their breaks to study others will prefer to have some fun.
Your age and holidays

When you are young if your family has decided to travel, to join your relatives like your grandparents in another city or to a holiday destination, you will have no option but to follow them, though you may have some say in where to go. As you get older, you may think that you will be able to travel on your own or with your friends, but most airlines will only allow you to travel unaccompanied by an adult if you are 18 years or older, by which time most students will be in higher education institutes.
How big is your break?

The decision to travel will also be decided by the length of the holidays. Most parents with children of school-going age will prefer to take holidays in summer when the children will be off from school for a few months than over 3-day weekend breaks. On most religious holidays, if your parents have religious tendencies they will take you to your local church and will want you to know what your religion is all about. You may even get to travel to Europe in the winter to attend the churches of the denomination of your faith. Most Muslim families living in the USA will take their kids with them to the annual pilgrimage of Hajj, to Mecca the holy city in Saudi Arabia.
You are old enough to decide

If the students are given a choice for destinations, their decisions will be based on their interests. While the younger ones will prefer adventure parks in Orlando others will choose Disneyland in California. As you get older you may prefer the beaches to swim and enjoy the company of others. Some will even prefer to go on adventures in the mountains or walk along the river trails. Your parents will agree to these only if they feel that you will be comfortable with the activities you are interested in. Holidays can be educational too, as you will get to see if what you have learned so far is true in practice or not.
Start thinking about money

Finances are always an issue and you will feel that richer kids will get what they want while others with not-so-affluent families will have to make do with whatever they can afford. However, in these days of Cyber Monday sales and competing Online Travel Agencies, everything can be arranged for less. All you need to be is internet savvy and know some tricks of the trade. For your breaks, you will need to arrange flights and accommodations, along with the activities you will be involved in and ground transportation. If you are able to get flights for less, for instance by choosing the flights in the shoulder seasons i.e. the seasons just before or after the peak season, you will have your holidays for less, but you will have to make sure that your kids are on holidays on these days.
You deserve a break

Some students are enrolled in boarding schools and the reasons for these will be different. They will have hostels to live in and most of them will be returning home at least once a year. Most of them will be allowed to catch flights if their parents come to pick them up, so, they too will be in need of cheap flight tickets. Most of them will want to spend some time with their family getting reacquainted with them. They all may even go for a holiday where they can relax together or do things that they are interested in.
Most people have fond memories of how they spent their school holidays and they will want to offer similar experiences to their young ones. This is the time to get together and bond while enjoying life to the fullest. The young ones will learn while on a break about the large world they are part of and that there is more to life than education.
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